Friday, May 06, 2011

How are you mine?
Should I feel you or think about you as a friend that is far away from me
thinking and remembering me when nostalgia is impossible to bear?
Should I remember you as one of those things that had to be left far away
for there was no more space in my luggage or even worse in my dreams?
Should I take you as one of my most terrible defeats
A " could have been and almost was" but which is not anymore?
Or should I think about you as a misplaced something so dear and valuable
that its ought to be seek until found again?
How , how mine?!
Like an invisible force laying down by my side each night unable to take me?
Like an intangible lover that take cares of an Us that it seem to exist in our memories only?
Or like someone who is so devoted to hate that has forgotten to hope?
Oh Love tell me, show me how you are so mine
for in spite of my efforts to hold you so close
it feels as you are fading away from this life!

B Illescas

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