Monday, February 06, 2012

The Traveler's Companion

Although it may seem unbelievable, for his strength and achievements would never tell he needed anything,  he in fact always wanted to share the world with someone else. And when I say the world I really mean much more than that, I also mean , the beautiful places of his own soul. Through the already somehow even path called his life, he had needed or at least wanted to have someone by his side. And how wonderful and generous that side he gave away was! 

True to his beliefs, the seeker sought to get where he thought he could, so -never forgetting purpose and dreams-  he walked steadily towards the end of the world taking with him the travel companions that he found along  his way. There,  he opened new paths filled with perfume and color, there he dove into waterfalls of chances and taught his companions to be wild, there he climbed  high mountains always being first yet  always holding hands. There he jumped over cliffs and served as bridges when the others needed that.  

And not once did he really forget to stop and listen the birds singing, pick a fallen flower, taste the rain and jump in paddles or breath deeply the morning breeze of others dreams... nor did he ever forget to watch the sunset while building castles until the night was deep.

Maybe the  companions he chose sometimes with time turned blind, incapable of seeing the true beauty behind his soft manners and persistent will,  maybe some of them  were not generous enough to understand that,  in order to take- every now and then- we can also be blessed by giving  as much as possible. Maybe some were not as constant as he was because- although he might have gone from one corner of the world to another- he was always present where he was needed.
Like sunset and sunrise are present right there if we care to see... so was he giving each the possibility to have some rest and the chance to hope for hope. 
Yet those companions were able to share his visions and dreams for brief instants that were enough to keep him hoping. 

And although he had the world to give he asked for very little in return deep within he always waited. Until one afternoon, he found that they seemed  deaf, seemed hard, seemed  they were not eager to share and give,  and seemed they wouldn't follow anymore … and yet although he thank their dancing while they walked with him, there were still so many  rainbows to persue! 

And so he wept for although he had trees, he knew there were forests, although he had rivers, he knew  there were oceans, although he had sun rays , he knew there were falling stars... And the time came when half broken inside he realized that too many paths had been taken by himself alone
-Little did he know that later he would rejoice because indeed there were forests, there were oceans, and there were falling stars- for  his soul- although seldom asking but always hoping- was not content and deep inside never gave up of finding that true companion who would hold him when -hesitant and quiet - he might need a smile during the night .  

So he cursed and promised never to seek again, the world half conquered was enough and it would be his only dream.  And he kept walking, for walking was what he really had always needed, yet his love of  knowledge, love of being, love or learning and love of giving were always pulsing

And  one day, one common simple day,  he heard another song. This song talked about the same places where he had been but with other colors, the places he had always dream of but with another warmth, the places he- without knowing it- still wanted to conquer  and which will bring solace to his soul.  Then something buried deep  inside started to stir his soul making him wanting to dissolve in dreaming for one last time

So irresolutely, understanding that life is change and change might mean life, understanding that there will always be another chance for those who seek, he climbed again and saw from above that what he perceived to be the world was only one forest with one valley, one ocean with one sky and he smiled and believing that it was fine to turn around and see, he turned around and saw that besides his steps there were the timid steps of another travel companion that  returned his gaze with wonder extending his arms to embrace his world and who while smiling back at him softly whisper:  A deep cliff might be the beginning of the highest hill to climb and conquer
