Monday, May 24, 2010

Que te Vaya Bonito ( a different kind of "If")

Si la sonrisa que esbozas proviene de tu alma
y se refleja sincera en tu mirar cansado,
si permites que la brisa te envuelva cada dia
y te llene de gozo y susurre en tu oido,
si cansado en la noche concilias el sueño,
si tu sueno es tranquilo y no lloras dormido,
si no abres tus ojos con cierto desencanto
porque descubres triste que ha empezado el dia;
si la nueva mañana te trae ilusión por la vida
y si logras encontrar en un lugar donde cabes,
si la desgana no es tu mas fiel compañera,
si los dias radiantes no parecen oscuros,
si los recuerdos no impiden danzar por la vida,
si encuentras sentido en cada cosa que haces,
si el olvido no es un algo que persigues con ansias,
si no esperas la muerte como se espera al amigo,
si no hay zozobra que inunda el silencio que vives,
si el silencio no grita el nombre que has amado,
si la vida aun guarda cierto encanto profundo
si aun buscas ser noble, si aun quieres ser bueno
si la musica no hiere y la belleza no ofende
si tu fe sigue intacta y si ya no le buscas
no has salido vencido, ni estas entre las bajas
y sin duda alguna puedes continuar la vida!

Beatriz Illescas
Su su... svelti eh, svelti, veloci... Piano, con calma. Non v'affrettate, eh. Poi non scrivete subito poesie d'amore, eh! Che sono le più difficili aspettate almeno almeno un'ottantina d'anni eh... Scrivetele su un altro argomento, che ne so su... su... il mare, il vento, un termosifone, un tram in ritardo, ecco, che non esiste una cosa più poetica di un'altra, eh? Avete capito? La poesia non è fuori, è dentro! Cos'è la poesia? Non chiedermelo più, guardati nello specchio: la poesia sei tu! E vestitele bene le poesie! Cercate bene le parole! Dovete sceglierle! A volte ci vogliono 8 mesi per trovare una parola! Sceglietele, che la bellezza è cominciata quando qualcuno ha cominciato a scegliere! Da Adamo ed Eva: lo sapete Eva quanto c'ha messo prima di scegliere la foglia di fico giusta? Come mi sta questa, come mi sta questa, come mi sta questa... Ha spogliato tutti i fichi del paradiso terrestre! Innammoratevi! Se non vi innammorate è tutto morto! Morto, tutto è... Vi dovete innammorare e diventa tutto vivo, si muove tutto, dilapidate la gioia! Sperperate l'allegria! Siate tristi e taciturni con esuberanza! Fate soffiare in faccia alla gente la felicità! E come si fa? Fammi vedere gli appunti che mi son scordato! Questo è quello che dovete fare! Non son riuscito a leggerli! Per trasmettere la felicità bisogna essere felici. E per trasmettere il dolore bisogna essere felici. Siate felici! Dovete patire, stare male, soffrire, non abbiate paura a soffrire, tutto il mondo soffre! Eh? E se non avete i mezzi non vi preoccupate, tanto per fare poesia una sola cosa è necessaria: tutto! Avete capito? E non cercate la novità, la novità è la cosa più vecchia che ci sia. E se il pezzo non vi viene da questa posizione, da questa, da così, beh... buttatevi in terra! Mettetevi così! Eccolo qua... Oh! È da distesi che si vede il cielo! Guarda che bellezza, perché non mi ci sono messo prima!? Cosa guardate? I poeti non guardano, vedono! Fatevi obbedire dalle parole! Se la parola... "muro"! "Muro" non ti dà retta... non usatela più per 8 anni, così impara! "Che è questo? Boh! Non lo so!" Questa è la bellezza! Come quei versi là, che voglio che rimangano scritti lì per sempre!...Forza cancellate tutto

Da "La Tigre e la Neve"R Benigni

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

unbreakable hope

What do you do with what just stayed behind
that old feeling of yours which cannot be ignored?
What do you do with your eyes looking back
to be seen by those eyes that reflected yourself?
What do you do with what rests in your place
that cannot be just seen, nor vanished from earth
what do you do with what's still in your chest,
still in your soul, and still in your dreams?
What do you do with what still must be said
still must be given, and still must be taught?
What do you do with a call never made,
a touch never felt or a smile never smiled?
What do you do with those questions unfolded
with those passions untamed, with that longing untold?
what do you do with those words left unsaid,
with those nights with no end, with that song with no time?
and what do you do with the future that still lays ahead
when the future means nothing but "this" ...everyday?
Ah este silencio que sabe a polvo seco
que no tiene paz ni tiene gloria alguna
...este silencio que golpea de frente
y me deja tan seca, tan vacía, tan triste

Ah este silencio que huele a tumba abierta
que no es ni deseado ni tampoco bienvenido
este silencio que nos acompaña a ambos
y que nos hiere en la espalda como traidor enemigo

Ah este silencio que sabe a amargura
que no tiene fin ni contiene sentido
que me envuelve de frio, que me dobla del peso
y que susurra a gritos que esta vez si te has ido

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh there is no emptiness like silence
the silence that is born after a loved one goes
the dreadful silence that kills your hope
when you are expecting that
that wont find you

The silence that takes over your world
for all the words that remained unsaid
for all the deeds that were meant to be
for all the thing you regret u did

Oh the silence that bring such emptiness
that there is no more than dark and pain
the silence that taste like tombs and death
the silence that proves that u are alone

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Por que?

Porque los dias se pasan y nos vamos alejando
porque hay como regresar-siempre lo habrá!- pero no a donde
porque la "paz" llena la casa pero la ausencia de la alegria abarca todo
porque entro el equilibrio y se marcho la esperanza
porque tus caricias se sienten aunque recuerde tu espalda
porque se vive sin hambre y se llora sin fuego
porque todo es gris y callado y porque nada me importa
porque manana no tiene ni perfil ni figura
porque el ayer pesa tanto que detiene el olvido
porque los dias se pasan y la distancia aumenta
porque hay como regresar-lo habrá siempre?-pero ya no a donde
porque perdimos nosotros y porque la noche es muy larga


Every time I walk Summer or I ride my bike I find them.

Never too fast but neither slow, they stroll along together like best friends.
I see dozens of couples walking or running every morning but this is my favorite. I cannot tell "his "age, but by seeing him I bet he has been around...
She? Although her cap and her dark glasses hide her age, I can tell by the delicacy and fragileness of her movements that she is not young anymore. But she doesn’t need the strength that youth brings to stroll by his side, she only needs the kind of strength that develops patience and understanding; effort and will.

I’ve seen them in steeping hills, I’ve seen them resting; I’ve seen them when it is raining, I’ve seen them when a storm is coming and also during warm soft days and she always, always keeps his pace

Why are they my favorite? Because there's commitment -from the strong one to the weak one. And also recognition ...from the weak to the strong
And that restores my faith.
Let me explain. He only has three legs.

There’s no way he can walk slowly as probably she needs him to walk. It must be a hard thing for her to keep his pace, but she does it and there you see them striving to do what they need to do but doing it together as a unit achieving it.

Because there’s a reason for everything and because I can't know the truth, I like to imagine what could have happened to him so I can wonder about life while I ride my bike as fast as I can so that the physical pain will overcome again the other pain.

-He was hurt, no doubt about it, maybe he was sick and they had to take the leg away; maybe he was in an accident and she took care of him and kept him even though it was not easy... or "fun"-
I dont know, what I do know is what I see every morning, which is that she loves him enough to understand what he can or cant do, although sometimes I reckon it must be difficult for her

Oh, if only more humans were that way with their loved ones,..
If only I have had found somebody who would see what I needed and with love and care would have slowed or increased his pace understanding that that was what I could do for that precise moment
If only he wouldn’t have forgotten that "one is responsible for his rose"
If only I have been held for that who would see not only "the missing leg" but also had believed in the strength and perseverance of the what indeed was there
If only I have been loved by somebody who would believed in the endless possibilities that love brings to the hurt
If only I have been able to stroll along with him with trust and peace knowing he would never leave.
If only...

No, she is not young anymore, but she has the kind of inner beauty that holds loyalty which in my eyes , makes her shine as she strolls besides her pal.